July 9, 2007

what's the deal...with zippers?

I walked into a public restroom the other day and looked at myself in the mirror. My fly was down again.

For a second I was embarrassed. Then I thought, "you know, fuck everyone else. For all they know I knew my fly was down and I wanted it that way."

Of course that wasn't the case and I quickly went back to being embarrassed.

But it got me thinking. Pretty much everything you can think of has been made into a fashion statement at some point. Popping your collar? Fashion statement. Jelly shoes? Fashion statement. Uggs? Stupid fashion statement. Wearing your clothes backwards? Fashion statement. Disgruntled Investor t-shirts? Theoretical fashion statement. Wearing your underwear outside your clothes? Bizarre fashion statement. Not wearing underwear? Not a bad fashion statement.

Wearing a giant clock on a necklace. Leaving the tags on your hat. Wearing flip flops to the White House. Whitewashed jeans. No Fear apparel.

The list goes on and on. But as far as I know, no one's ever made a fashion statement out of leaving their zipper unzipped.

I just wonder why is all.

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