June 9, 2009

Not Quite Blogworthy, Part One

[NB: Here's the first of a few entries I worked on recently but eventually gave up on. The lack of blogworthiness should be readily apparent.]

So you know that part in The Omnivore's Dilemma where he tries being a vegetarian for a while, and the first objection he has is how awkward it is to attend a dinner party because either you tell the hosts ahead of time and you feel guilty about making them go out of their way to make you something special or you don't tell them ahead of time and then THEY feel guilty because you don't eat anything all night?

Fine. But remember all this comes from a guy who advocates eating locally- and organically-produced food. Which anyone with an asshole can tell you is way harder for the average host to accommodate than a simple fucking pasta salad.


  1. Here's another awkward situation: Once I dated a guy that was obsessed with Ayn Rand (surprisingly, not your brother). That's not even the awkward part, it's just some flavor for you to vibe on. The awkward part was when I went to visit his incredibly kind, nearly elderly parents in rural Indiana and he had the gall to bitch them out (while I was at the table!) for not choosing a more vegetarian-friendly restaurant to take me to. Did I mention it was their anniversary? One of the worst food-related moments of my life.Oh, and every moment I had to listen to him talk about Ayn Rand were some of the worst general life-related moments of my life.

  2. I was never obsessed with Ayn Rand! Only Rush. But anyway. I agree about the Michael Pollan thing. And I would like to mention that the Ayn Rand-obsessed guy Sam mentioned was once in a metal band called Tracer. Again, it was not me.

    I am in Oakland right now.

  3. I was being IRONIC!!!!!!!!! Obviously you were never obsessed with Ayn Rand. GOD. I would further like to add that that guy in question started a philosophy discussion group at Borders when we worked there and made announcements for it over the p.a. IN GERMAN. Even being 20 I don't think makes up for my poor judgment. Oh hi Dave. Were you trying to run a blog here or something?

  4. 1. Anything is blogworthy.
    2. So hike up your skirt, and blog.
    3. Pasta salad is not easy, no matter what the mainstream media tells you.
    4. Tracer is second only to Soapstane in band name coolness.
    5. I spell it Ine Rand so people will pronounce it correctly.
    6. Old people are not exempt from vegetarian tirades.
    7. I'm waiting for my ride.
    8. I'm not sure I like that my comments have to be approved by you, Oavio.
    9. I may be glad that other people's comments have to approved by you, Oavio.
    10. My "word verification" word is "dedershi"
