July 27, 2007

Infinite Toast

Last week, my brother and I decided to read Infinite Jest together. Kind of like a book club.

So far we've had zero meetings.

Anyway, in my excitement over forming our dumb little club, I went on Amazon.com from my office computer to read the first few pages. I guess this is a neat feature. What really amused me, though, was Amazon's weird list of "Statistically Improbable Phrases" that appear in the book. More than the opening pages, this list really got me excited to read all 1000+ pages of IJ again:

Statistically Improbable Phrases (SIPs):
annular fusion, medical attaché, entertainment cartridge, improbably deformed, howling fantods, feral hamsters, dawn drills, tough nun, prochain train, professional conversationalist, new bong, ceiling bulged, metro boston, tennis academy, red leather coat, soupe aux pois, red beanie, addicted man, magnetic video, littler kids, little rotter, technical interview, police lock, oral narcotics, sober time

My favorites are probably your favorites, too: Improbably deformed. Feral hamsters. Tough nun. New bong. Sober time.

Was this blogworthy? No. But maybe a string of unsatisfying entries will motivate you to turn your computer off and finally get around to watching R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet.

One day you'll thank me.

1 comment:

  1. I like "annular fusion" because it sounds like "anular fusion" which sounds like what happened to me after eating Waffle House's hashbrowns "all-the-way" last Friday.

    The solvent, as always, was 12 beers.
