Seems improbable, right? No way all of that stuff happens in less than 10 hours unless they basically made a two-inning cameo at the Cubs game and left. (Conceivable, by the way. How can you top catching a foul ball? And if Sloane hated baseball and pushed for them to leave after 2-3 innings, wouldn't the logical next stop for them -- if a girl who hated sports was running the show -- be that art museum?)
Not conceivable. Let's not forget a tiny detail, one that escaped my attention until this summer: at the Cubs game, Sloane Peterson is keeping score. Don't underestimate this. You'll find ten leopard-spotted teenagers lip-syncing atop hijacked parade floats in downtown Chicago before you'll find someone who bothers keeping a scorecard leaving the game after three innings.
But you know, maybe verisimilitude isn't what exactly Hughes was aiming for. Hard as it is to believe the guy who directed Weird Science would ever ask his audience to suspend disbelief, I guess we'll just have to try.
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